Exam Preparation


To prepare you perfectly for your upcoming exam, aristocom international offers exam preparation courses for the following (should you be interested in another exam, please contact us) exams: 

Cambridge Certificates: BEC + IELTS



Test DaF

University Entrance Exams

Goethe Certificate

We have a 100% success rate!

All participants who were prepared by aristocom international for their exam so far have all passed these exams. And this for over 8 years!


In combination with a business course, we have developed courses particularly for apprentices. 

Get In Touch

+49 (0) 521 2997 373


Meisenstraße 96 33607 Bielefeld DEUTSCHLAND

Ready to get started?

Do you have any questions or would you also like to receive a non-binding offer for your company? Simply get in touch with us. We are looking forward to the contact with you.